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  平行并列:见到平行看结构,形式功能要对称.就GMAT而言,平行并列是考试中的重点也是难点,英语称其为parallel structure: this is a little bit like making sure that the two sides of a mathematical equation are balance.就解题而言要求做到四个点。







  下面以GMATpre test 1为例:

  例1:The airline company, following through on recent warnings that it might start reducing service, announced that it was eliminating jet service to nine cities, closing some unneeded operations, and it grounded twenty-two planes.

  (A) closing some unneeded operations, and it grounded

  (B) closing some unneeded operations, and grounding

  (C) was closing some unneeded operations, while it grounded

  (D) it closed some unneeded operations and grounded

  (E) it was closing some unneeded operations, and grounding


  分析:平行并列结构,形式要对称.所以本题答案是B eliminating, closing and grounding 本题重点考查平行并列结构.都是航空公司做的三个动作。

  例2 The list of animals that exhibits a preference of either using the right or the left hand (i.e., claw, paw, or foot) has been expanded to include the lower vertebrates.

  (A) exhibits a preference of either using the right or the left hand (i.e., claw, paw, or foot) has been expanded to include

  (B) exhibits the preference to use either the right or the left hand (i.e., claw, paw, or foot) has been expanded and includes

  (C) exhibit a preference in either using the right or the left hand (i.e., claw, paw, or foot) has been expanded to include

  (D) exhibit a preference for using either the right or the left hand (i.e., claw, paw, or foot) has been expanded to include

  (E) exhibit the preference as to either using the right or the left hand (i.e., claw, paw, or foot) has been expanded and includes


  分析:定语从句的主谓一致取决于所修饰对象.前面出现的是animals 所以应该是复数.答案只能在CDE中产生.either or 要求形式是要对称. 而C和E选项中出现了either using or the left表达错。




  New theories propose that catastrophic impacts of asteroids and comets may have caused reversals in the Earth’s magnetic field, the onset of ice ages, splitting apart continents 80 million years ago, and great volcanic eruptions.

  A splitting apart continents

  B the splitting apart of continents

  C split apart continents

  D continents split apart’

  E continents that were split apart


  分析:本题平行并列部分是. Reversals , the onset, …. And eruption显然是由动词的抽象名词词形的并列。所以动词的抽象名词表结果,只能和抽象名词并列,而doing强调动做,就splitting apart而言,无名词,所以只能用the splitting apart表达此意。




  scientists have recently discovered what could be the largest and oldest living organism on Earth. A giant fungus that is an interwoven filigree of mushrooms and root like tentacles spawned by a single fertilized spore some 10000 years ago and extending for more than 30 acres in the soil of a Michigan forest.

  A extending

  B extends

  C extended

  D it extended

  E is extending





  1. 从句并列使用相同连词且都补出

  例:It is well known in supermarket industry that how items are placed on shelves and the frequency of inventory turnovers can be crucial to profits.

  A the frequency of inventory turnovers can be

  B the frequency of inventory turnovers is often

  C the frequency with which the inventory turns over is often

  D how frequently is the inventory turned over are often

  E how frequently the inventory turns over can be

  译文: 在超级市场产业中,货品如何摆放以及存货周期是多少是盈利的关键。分析:and 连接两个平行并列部分,要求形式完全对称,所以答案选择为DE中一个,情态动词不能随意省略添加和改变则答案只有一个是E。因为can表示可能性,如果省略含义发生改变。

  2. 介词短语并列过程中介词习惯补出原则

  例:In the fall of 1985, only 10 percent of the women entering college planned to major in education, while 28 percent chose business, making it the most popular major for women as well as for men

  A as well as for men

  B as well as the men

  C and men too

  D and men as well

  E and also men


  分析: as well as 前后形式对称,并列过程中如不补出for这个介词,则容易产生歧义。使人错误的人认为与 the most popular major 并列,加出for则是对于男生和对女生在并列。不会产生多重含义


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