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作者:佚名  来源:转载  发布时间:2006-4-8 10:57:17  发布人:admin

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  Study the following picture carefully and write an essay in which you should

  1) describe the picture,

  2) interpret its meaning, and

  3) point out its implications in our life.  

  You should write about 160—200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)



  This simple picture represents a situation that every person must face:

  when approaching a junction, which direction should one choose? Most viewers can empathize with the sense of hesitation and uncertainty embodied in such an image. Without exception, everyone has to make choices in life, whether they concern school, career, or love. While some choices are simple, one cannot avoid the task of making difficult decisions.

  Choices are often directly related to one's happiness. University students, for example, face a hard and crucial decision upon graduating. Many students have difficulty deciding whether to continue studying or begin developing a career. Every individual is different, and one must take the factors of one's personal life into consideration. In addition to an awareness of specific circumstances, however, making the right choice also depends on correct appraisal of oneself.

  In order to choose correctly, therefore, one must be both realistic and self aware. Furthermore, once having made a decision, one should seriously accept and pursue the path one has chosen, and strive towards the realization of one's goal with spirit.


  大多数读者都能感受到这幅画中包含的犹豫和彷徨。毫无例外,每个人在一生中都要多次做出选择  ——无论是涉及到学业、职业还是爱情。虽然有些选择很容易,但一个人无法回避艰难的选择。


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